StatisticsWithout Formulas! 
About me 
My name is John Grosberg. I graduated from Arizona State University with a Master's Degree in Electronics Engineering more years ago than I would like to say. I've been developing software for over 30 years. Somehow I never took a course in Statistics, but always had a bit of a fascination with the subject and had studied some introductory books on my own. When I happened on Julian Simon's book Resampling: the New Statistics, it was clear to me that here was a truly different approach to teaching and understanding statistics. Simon presented statistics from the viewpoint of simulation rather than calculation. No need to memorize formulas or use tables. Formulas and tables are still good and useful; it's just that after learning statistics via simulation they are much more meaningful and it's easier to know when they apply and when they don't. In addition, simulation can be used in cases where there are no formulas. I found Simon's approach so fruitful that I wanted to help make it available to others. 
I have written other programs unrelated to Statistics101 that you might be interested in. They are written in Java, as is Statistics101, and should run on any system that has Java installed: 
ChordSmith: This program transposes musical song sheets (chords + lyrics) into different keys. The song sheets may be in ChordPro format or in a two-line format. It can also convert between the two-line format and ChordPro in both directions. 
OODocBatchConverter: Have you ever had a bunch of files in one program's format that you needed to be in another program's format? This program converts any number of files from one or more formats, such as ".doc" or ".rtf", to another, such as ".pdf". It isn't limited to word processing files. It can do any conversion that can perform because it uses to do the actual conversion. Without OODocBatchConverter you would have to convert the files one at a time. is an excellent office suite that includes a word processer (Writer), a spreadsheet (Calc), a presentation program (Impress), a drawing program (Draw), and a database program (Base), all for no cost.
Statistics101 Tutorials
Tutorials (700kb) Shows the main features of the Statistics101 program.
Command Summary Gives a one-line description of each of the Resampling Stats commands.
Intro to Statistics101 programming (PDF or Kindle) This doc gets you started with Statistics101 and the Resampling Stats language.
User's Guide to Statistics101 (HTML) Describes the Statistics101 program and all the Resampling Stats commands in full detail. (Also included with the program download.)
Examples: Typical introductory Statistics class examples solved using Resampling Stats instead of formulas and tables. 
More Examples: Originally from Peter Bruce's website showing a variety of statistical problems solved using Resampling Stats. These will all work in the Statistics101 program. Used with permission.
Resampling: The New Statistics Julian Simon's online textbook with full explanation and examples of applied resampling.
Contact me if you have any questions or comments about Statistics101, or if you find a bug.